
A temporary first mortgage bond for the reincorporated Utah-Idaho Central Railroad Company of Delaware in December, 1926. Following financial trouble, the U.I.C. briefly left the hands of the Eccles Corporation for the first time when it was…
Continental Currency
DNO-0124_10 commandments in Hebrew - inside synagogue - May 2021.jpg
Image of a plaque of the 10 commandments written in Hebrew located inside the synagogue, May 2021.
1000 Mile Tree, Weber Canyon. Chas. W. Carter, Photographer, Salt Lake City, Utah
No. 2757. 1000 Mile Tree, Weber Canyon, Utah. Photographed by Carleton Watkins
This book details 101 pranks and stunts members could use during a service club meeting. Early Rotary culture supported hijinks like the ones in this book to boost morale and encourage casual behavior.
This book offers 101 different pranks and stunts to be enacted during a service club meeting. Early Rotary culture encouraged hijinks like the ones in this book to boost morale and encourage casual behavior.
10x catalog, front cover, 1976
185 South 100 East, Logan, Utah. A concert program for a Benefit Concert held by Johana Harris to raise funds for the Logan Eleventh Ward building (a church building in the Logan, Utah Area). The program includes works by Bach, Beethoven, Schubert,…
This is a map of the United States made in 1779 by Rene Phelippeaux. The East coast is drawn in great detail. The Caribbean is also included in the bottom right corner.
1859 - City of Smithfield - 1912: A Brief History of the Town from Pioneer Days until the time of 1912. Brief account of settlement of Smithfield, Cache County, Utah as well as Indian/Settler interactions
PileB066_Page 62.jpg
Photograph of the Old Rock Church, 1866. Used as a church meeting house, event and community center, and opera house. Information found in "In the Shade of the Mountains: Histories of Mendon & Petersboro", pp. 409-410.
1885 Burmese Surrender.jpg
The Burmese army surrenders at the end of the Third Anglo-Burmese War, and Britain fully takes over, 1885.
1894 Commencement Program

The First Annual Commencement of the Agricultural College of Utah
Thursday, May 31st, 1894. at 10:45 A.M.
Logan, Utah.
1894 Commencement Program Back Cover

Students’ Sociable in Gymnasium at 8 p.m.
Press of Smith, Cummings & Co., Logan
1894 Commencement Program Page 1 & 2

Overture, “Silver Bell” ---Schauluthpel
Opera House Orchestra
Music . . . Quartette
Class Oration . . . R.W. Erwin
“Force of Character.”
Oration . . . Martha Hoyt
“Effects of…
1895 Commencement Invitation

Agricultural College of Utah
1895 Commencement Invitation Back Cover
1895 Commencement Invitation, Page 1

Commencement Week
June Second, Third, and Fourth
Your Presence is Desired by
The Graduating Class ’95.
L.A. Merrill, Agriculture
W Fred Culmer, Civ. Engineering
Chas. A. Jensen, Short…
1895 Commencement Invitation, Page 2

Sunday, June 2, at 11 a.m.
Baccalaureate Sermon, - Hon. Orson F. Whitney
Monday, June 3, at 7:30 p.m.
Special Session of Longfellow Literary Society.
Tuesday, June 4, at 11 a.m.
1895 Commencement Menu

Dinner of the Graduating Class at the Agricultural College
“Our purpose is on good things now to dine. The act of feeding, as you understand, Is but a fraction of the work on hand: Its nobler half is that ethereal meat The…
1895 Commencement Menu Back Cover

Our Alma Mater.
“So sweetly she bids adieu,
That we fancy she bids us return.”
1895 Commencement Menu, Page 1

“The atmosphere breathes welcomes”
Consomme Salted Wafers
“Now good digestion wait on appetite, and health on both,”
Roast Chicken Jelly Creamed Potatoes
Boiled Ham Sliced…
1895 Commencement Menu, Page 2

L.A. Merrill, - - Toastmaster
The Alumni . . . R. W. Erwin
“Then come the wild wrath, come sleet or come snow;
We will stand by each other, however it blow.”– Longfellow
The Faculty . . . Pres. J.…
1896 Commencement Invitation
1896 Commencement Invitation, Back Cover
1896 Commencement Invitation, Page 1

The closing exercises of the school year – the Third Annual Commencement will be held at the College on June 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th.
You are cordially invited. The presence of your friends and of the citizens…
1896 Commencement Invitation, Page 2

Program for the Week……
Sunday, June 7th. Class Day.
At 11 A.M. Baccalaureate Sermon, --- Hon. Wm. H. King.
Monday, June 8th. Field Day.
At 7 A.M. Excursion to Logan Canon.
Tuesday, June 9th,…
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