
Chinese liquor bottle with brown/black glaze. Object with unknown origin. Utah State University Museum of Anthropology permanent collection.
Chinese liquor bottle with brown/black glaze. Object with unknown origin. Museum of Anthropology permanent collection.
Chinese liquor bottle with brown/black glaze. Object with unknown origin. Museum of Anthropology permanent collection.
Large wide-mouth food jar with brown/black glaze. Object recovered from Chinese railroad and mining camp in the Crescent Valley, Mt. Tenabo, Nevada. Gift from the Gladis Peterson Family to the USU Museum of Anthropology.
Large wide-mouth food jar with brown/black glaze. Object recovered from Chinese railroad and mining camp in the Crescent Valley, Mt. Tenabo, Nevada. Gift from the Gladis Peterson Family to the USU Museum of Anthropology.
DNO-0052_Photography and Exploration.jpg
A woodcut illustration of two people practicing the early process of photography. Also features images of their tent and equipment.
DNO-0048_Prospect Hill Cut.jpg
Carte-de-visite style photograph of the Prospect Hill railroad cut on the Central Pacific line by Alfred Hart. Photograph features multiple railroad workers and horse-drawn carts working on the cut. Caption: Prospect Hill Cut. Upper slope, 170 feet."
DNO-0055_William Winn Letter.pdf
A letter written on August 2, 1868, from William Winn to his wife and children. William was an employee of the UPRR on a Mormon crew and wrote to his family frequently on Sundays. The letter describes his week and wishes his family well.
An invoice listing supplies given by G.M. Dodge, chief engineer of the UPRR,  to the federal government in Washington DC on December 28, 1869.
DNO-0054_Wagon train illustration from Leslie's Illustrated.jpg
Woodcut illustration published in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, depicting guests in a dining car on a Hotel Express Train. Caption: "ACROSS THE CONTINENT, ON THE PACIFIC RAILROAD - DINING SALOON OF THE HOTEL EXPRESS TRAIN."
A photograph of a train in the Logan, Utah station of the Utah and Northern Railroad. The caption lists 1885, but the photo was probably taken earlier.
A photograph taken by C.R. Savage of three railroad workers in the mouth of Tunnel No. 3 in Weber Canyon, Utah.
A portrait of Brigham Young taken by Charles Ellis Johnson c. 1868.
A photograph of Lake Blanche in the Wasatach Mountains of Utah taken by C.R. Savage in the 1870s.
A photograph of Bear River Canyon in Utah, taken by C.R. Savage in 1891. The photograph features a branch line of the Utah and Northern Railroad.
DNO-0045_Breaking Ground for the Utah Central Railroad.jpg
Stereoview photograph no. 150 by A.J. Russell captioned "Mormons Breaking Ground for Utah Central Railroad." Photo features a large group of people waiting for the groundbreaking ceremony.
DNO-0045_Russell Surveyors.jpg
Stereoview photograph by A.J. Russell. Photograph features a group of railroad surveyors with their equipment in a camp in Weber Canyon in 1868.
DNO-0047_Photography cart.jpg
Photograph of a photography cart taken by A.J. Russell in the desert. The cart is pulled by a horse and is functioning as a mobile darkroom.
DNO-0050_Front page of the Hell Upon Earth pamphlet.jpg
The front page illustration of an anti-Mormon pamphlet entitled "Hell Upon Earth!" The woodcut illustration, titled "How Women and Girls are Ensnared" features a group of women and children being captured by Mormon men in a human skull, as well as…
DNO-0045_The photographer.jpg
Stereoview photograph #168 by A.J. Russell. The photograph features another photographer with his equipment against the background of a settlement with several other people.
DNO-0046_West End Tunnel, No. 3, Weber Canyon.jpg
Stereoview photograph entitled "West End Tunnel, No. 3, Weber Canon. (sic)" Photograph features a crew of railroad workers standing in front of a tunnel dug through Weber Canyon in Utah. Some of the workers are dangling from the cliffs above.
DNO-0051_Mouth of Tunnel No. 3.jpg
Stereoview photograph by Charles Roscoe Savage for the Union Pacific Railroad collection entitled "Mouth of Tunnel No. 3." Photograph features 5 railroad workers (probably Chinese) in a cart on the tracks leading into the tunnel.
DNO-0053_USRR train.jpg
A photograph of a large group of men on a USRR train, presumably celebrating its completion.
DNO-0053_USRR engine.jpg
A photograph of a train engine marked "USRR" in a train station.
DNO-0046_Photographer by a river.jpg
A photograph of a photographer standing with a tripod on the banks of a river with a town in the background.
DNO-0046_Building the Union Pacific in Nebraska.jpg
Color illustration depicting the construction of the Union Pacific Railroad. Caption: "BUILDING THE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD IN NEBRASKA."
DNO-0046_Color broadside advertising the completion of the transcontinental railroad.jpg
Broadside advertisement published to announce the completion of the TCRR in 1869. The advertisement is printed in red and blue ink and lists the various towns, connections, and states available via the TCRR.
DNO-0048_Scene at Depot.jpg
Carte-de-visite style photograph by Alfred Hart entitled, "Scene at Depot." Photograph features Native Americans at the Central Pacific Railroad Train Depot in Reno, Nevada. Caption: "Scene at Depot, at Reno."
DNO-0048_Western Summit.jpg
Carte-de-visite style photograph by Alfred Joseph Hart entitled, "Western Summit." Photograph features a Chinese railroad worker and the heading of a railroad tunnel. Caption: "Heading of East Portal, Tunnel No. 8, from Donner Lake Railroad, Western…
DNO-0048_Curving Iron, Ten Mile Canyon.jpg
Carte-de-visite style photograph no. 333 entitled "Curving Iron, Ten Mile Canyon." Taken by Alfred Hart.
DNO-0049_View from the 100th Meridian excursion.jpg
Stereoview photograph of the Union Pacific Railroad celebration at the 100th meridian in October 1866. #219 in its collection. Features UPRR executives and several train cars. Captions: Union Pacific Rail Road, Excursion to the 100th Meridian,…
DNO-0049_Mormon Village.jpg
Stereoview photograph #109 by A.J. Russell captioned "Mormon Village, on line of Railroad, Echo Canyon." Photograph features a man sitting on a hill overlooking a Mormon settlement in Northern Utah.
DNO-0049_East Portal of Summit Tunnel.jpg
Stereoview photograph #198 by Alfred Hart for the Central Pacific Railroad collection. Photograph features a railroad worker with a dump cart standing in the entrance to a tunnel in the Sierra Nevada mountains. Caption: "East Portal of Summit Tunnel,…
DNO-0049_End of Track on Humboldt Plains.jpg
Stereoview photograph #317 by Alfred Hart for the Central Pacific Railroad collection. It is a photo of railroad workers building the road at the end of the Central Pacific Line when it was on the Humboldt Plains.
DNO-0046_Street View in Corinne, Utah.jpg
Stereoview photograph no. 68 in the "Scenery of the Union Pacific Railroad" collection by W.H. Jackson. Features one man, John Kupfer Watchmaker and Jeweler's store, several hardware stores, and a painter's shop.
DNO-0046_UPRR broadside advertisement.jpg
Broadside advertisement for the Union Pacific Railroad as far as it was completed in 1867. Features a woodcut illustration of a train car, lists of amenities, and details about the completed route.
DNO-0046_Map of the Great Platte Valley Route.jpg
A map of the Great Platte Valley Route of the Union Pacific Railroad and its connections, produced by land agent O.F. Davis. Captions: "The Highway of Nations. New York, San Francisco." "1,000,000 Acres of Choice Farming Land re now offered for Sale…
DNO-0046_Devil's Gate Bridge.jpg
Stereoview photograph taken by A.J. Russell for the Union Pacific's Railroad Views collection. Photograph is entitled, "Devil's Gate Bridge" and features a train with a car full of men crossing the bridge.
DNO-0046_Promontory Utah.jpg
Stereoview photograph by A.J. Russell entitled "Promontory Utah." Features one man in an otherwise empty frontier town. This stereoview was part of the Union Pacific Rail Road Views collection.
DNO-0047_Directors of the North Western RR at Echo City.jpg
Originally a stereoview photograph by A.J. Russell. Number 128, titled "Directors of the North Western RR at Echo City." Photograph features men and women on the porch of a farm house with a mountains in the background and a stagecoach in the…
DNO-0047_Photographing Under Difficulties.jpg
Originally a stereoview photograph by A.J. Russell, number 91. Title: "Photographing Under Difficulties." This photograph depicts the Clarence King surveying party in the Uintah mountains, climbing a steep cliff with all of their equipment.
DNO-0047_Looking up the Weber.jpg
Originally a stereoview photograph by A.J. Russell entitled "Looking up the Weber." Numbered as 194. Photograph features a railroad bridge before the entrance of Weber Canyon and a man walking along the tracks.
DNO-0047_Mormon workers on a cut in Weber Canyon.jpg
Stereoview photograph #372 by A.J. Russell. The photograph features a group of (probably Mormon) men working on a cut in Weber Canyon.
DNO-0047_Chinese laying last rail.jpg
tereoview photograph #539 from the Union Pacific Railroad collection by A.J. Russell. Photograph features railroad workers laying the last few rails of the road at Promontory Point in Utah. Specifically, the Chinese workers are laying the last of the…
DNO-0047_East and West shaking hands.jpg
Large-format print entitled "East and West Shaking Hands." The photograph features the two trains of the Union and Central Pacific lines meeting at Promontory Point with executives and crew members from both lines.
DNO-0047_Paymaster's Car, Blue Creek.jpg
Large-format print no. 513 by A.J. Russell entitled Paymaster's Car, Blue Creek." The photograph features a crew of railroad workers sitting around and on the paymaster's train car, telegraph wires, and a backdrop of the mountains.
DNO-0047_Warner and Whitman's at Echo.jpg
Large-format print no. 125 by A.J. Russell entitled "Warner and Whitman's at Echo." The photograph features two families standing near a farmhouse on a farm in rural Utah.
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