
Photograph of retaining wall construction for the interstate next to the Se Rancho Motor Lodge in 1959.
Map of Interstate Highway plans from September 1955. The Bureau of Public Roads (BPR) was originally a part of the United States Department of Agriculture then the United States Department of Commerce. The BPR is the predecessor agency to the Federal…
Photograph of parked cars lined up along both lanes of a three-lane highway for the dedication of Interstate-15 (I-15). Passengers are visible sitting in the parked cars while some are standing outstide of their cars. Two standing persons hold…
Photograph of cars driving Interstate-15 in Salt Lake City after completion in 1968.
Aerial photograph of Interstate-15 in Salt Lake City after completion in 1968.
Photograph showing the construction of an underpass between Fourteenth North and First South in Salt Lake City in 1961.
Three women, possible students, standing outside at the Intermountain Inter-Tribal School. All are wearing traditional dress, (Left to right) Papago (pink), Navajo (dark pink and blue), Apache (yellow).
CVRP_Afeworki Woldemichael_May2015_Warner-Evans_T_Final.pdf
Afeworki Woldemichael talks about his family and home in Eritrea. He discusses his time in a refugee camp in Ethiopia, where he met his wife and had two children, his journey to the United States, living in Connecticut, Idaho, and Utah. He discusses…
Interview with Eh Htoo about his life as a refugee in Thailand, serving as a porter in the Burmese military, leaving home, and immigrating to the United States.
The interview took place in Snay Tun's family home in Logan. Snay Tun is a young Karen man in his early twenties. The interview occurred on the floor of his living room where we spoke for about an hour regarding his life as a refugee, moving to the…
Afeworki Woldemichael talks about his family and home in Eritrea. He discusses his time in a refugee camp in Ethiopia, where he met his wife and had two children, his journey to the United States, living in Connecticut, Idaho, and Utah. He discusses…
Interview with Eh Htoo about his life as a refugee in Thailand, serving as a porter in the Burmese military, leaving home, and immigrating to the United States.
Interview with James Wirth at the USU Permaculture Garden on 28 March 2016. The interview focuses on the history of the garden, definitions of permaculture, and future plans for the garden.
Ka Sin and his family live in a different apartment complex than our other interviewees. He works at JBS meat packing plant. His family includes his wife Ser Geda; daughter Kem Pu, 16 yrs; son Zat No 10 yrs; son Mo 20 yrs; and son Myo 14 yrs.
CVRP_Ka Sin_2015May17_Gross_T_Revised.pdf
Ka Sin and his family live in a different apartment complex than our other interviewees. He works at JBS meat packing plant. His family includes his wife Ser Geda; daughter Kem Pu, 16 yrs; son Zat No 10 yrs; son Mo 20 yrs; and son Myo 14 yrs.
Kahsay Berhe Gebremedhin is speaking during the interview while Magen Olsen and Berhane Debesai Abraha watch him attentively. There are a couple paintings in the background.
An audio interview with Leland and Barbara Larsen on May 10, 2007 where they talk about Dr. Magee as they look over photos. Excerpt from full interview.
A video interview with Leland and LaVay Larsen where they talk about growing up in Mendon, Utah, May Day, dating.
A transcript of a short email interview with Maria Milligan. The interview focuses on her experience with raising quail.
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