
Created by the National Recovery Administration (NRA) in 1933, this film was directed by Alfred E. Green and stars Dick Powell, Alan Dinehart, Samuel S. Hinds, and Charles Middleton. Dick Powell plays a songwriter working for the NRA struggling to…
American Guide Series Poster.jpg
A poster from the Federal Writers' Project advertising the American Guide series featuring a quote from Louis Bromfield, a writer for the New York Times.
Directors of the Digital Folklife Project Lynne McNeil (left), assistant professor of English, and Jeannie Thomas, professor of English and head of the Department of English.
U.S. Marines suffering from malaria in a rough field hospital on Guadalcanal, probably in October, 1942.
Shigeo Shibata headstone in the POW corner of the Fort Douglas Cemetery in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Helen Keller is standing by the bedside of a veteran who is holding a guitar. Another veteran, with an eye patch stands to Helen’s right. She has her right arm linked through his left, circa 1946.
Military photo of Bob Hope entertaining soldiers in WWII
Blind-folded and heavily-guarded, these Japanese arrive at Dutch Harbor, Alaska - but in the role of prisoners rather than fighting men. A naval engagement in Aleutian waters resulted in the capture of these three other Nipponese.
This is the wreckage-strewn Naval Air Station at Pearl Harbor following one of the Japanese sneak attacks on the morning of December 7, 1941. In the background, an explosion sends a mass of flames and smoke high into the sky.
Photo of several of the Bushnell Hospital patients, wounded Japanese American soldiers, in Salt Lake City's Japantown to play music at a cafe in the mid-1940s. Willie Oshiro, Toshio Kokubun, Jerry Miyashiro, Kiyoshi Yoshii, and Willie Higa.
Photo of three wounded World War II soldiers, including Wallace Doi (center) and Don Seki (right), at the Bushnell hospital in Brigham City, Utah, in 1944 or 1945.
Photo of wounded Japanese American soldiers, Jerry Miyashiro and Ben Murakami, at the Bushnell hospital in Brigham City, Utah, in 1944 or 1945.
Photo of wounded Japanese American soldier Willie Higa playing the guitar while sitting on a bed in the Bushnell General Hospital.
A man in a military uniform holds a child in his arms, with a woman standing next to him in a coat holding a thing of milk. They are standing in front of a brick building with stairs.
Back to a Coast Guard assault transport comes this Marine after two days and nights of Hell on the beach of Eniwetok in the Marshall Islands. His face is grimey with coral dust but the light of battle stays in his eyes.
Capt. Ezekia Smith, 370th Inf. Regt., 92nd Div., receives treatment at the 317th Collecting Station, for shell fragments in face and shoulders suffered near Querceta, Italy. Here, surgeon stitches the wound. Fifth Army, Pietrasanta Area, Italy.…
Frederick Percival Champ, 1896-1976, Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
Concert poster for Rouvan's homecoming performance.
A promotional poster for John Denver's Homecoming concert featuring Helen Reddy.
A poster with the schedule of events for a homecoming celebration.
A poster with the schedule for the 2001 homecoming celebration.
The schedule for the 2000 football season.
A schedule poster from Homecoming Week 1999. Theme: "Days to Remember."
A schedule poster for homecoming week 1998. Theme: "Take the A Train."
A promotional poster for the 1997 Homecoming celebration.
The schedule for the 1990 football season. Theme: "The House of Blues."
A promotional poster for the 1990 Homecoming celebration. Theme: "When the Aggies come marching home."
A poster advertising the Miss USU competition 1989, featuring Jennie Chambers as outgoing queen and Camille Terry and Scott Simmons as emcees.
A promotional poster for Homecoming Week 1988. "What's News: Homecoming '88: They Just Keep Doing It!"
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