
Black and white photograph of Dr. Robert D. Smith shaking hands with the last patient to leave Bushnell General Hospital. Photo is taken outside building 15.
Nurses look through microscopes in the Bushnell labs, probably at slides of wound cultures
Bushnell Hospital situated just south of Brigham City
A view of Bushnell Hospital looking northwest from the mess hall at the two-story ward buildings
The telephone lounge at Bushnell General Hospital, Brigham City, Utah, where operators in another part of the room help service men place their calls.
Merlin Olsen, member of the football team, 1960s. Size of photograph: 7.75 x 9.5 in.
Stanford O. Cazier in academic robes, circa 1980.
Governor George H. Dern using a steam shovel to break ground for the construction of Romney Stadium, October 12, 1926.
Still image from a black and white film strip of amputees playing ping pong. Games were part of vocational rehabilitation activities at the hospital, which specialized in treating soldiers with amputated limbs.
Black and white photograph of patients from Bushnell riding horses. There is a low wooden building to the left, and the gravel pit at the mouth of Wellsville Canyon can be seen in the background.
A man with an artificial leg practices climbing stairs at Bushnell Hospital.
A view of Bushnell General Military Hospital from the south
Photograph of paratroopers just before they took off for the initial assault of D-Day
An amputee patient and nurse at Bushnell General Military Hospital in Brigham City, UT during WWII.
A WWII veteran at Bushnell General Military Hospital walks through an obstacle course as part of his physical rehabilitation.
A WWII veteran at Bushnell General Military Hospital walks on uneven platforms as part of his physical rehabilitation.
A WWII veteran at Bushnell General Military Hospital walks up and down stairs as part of his physical rehabilitation.
A WWII veteran at Bushnell General Military Hospital walks on a balance beam as part of his physical rehabilitation.
An amputee veteran is fitted with temporary prostheses
An amputee veteran at Bushnell Hospital displays his new artificial leg
A view of Bushnell General Military Hospital from the east
Black and white photograph of Senator Truman and Colonel Hardaway at the orthopedic shop at Bushnell General Hospital in Brigham City, Utah.
Small card of a bus schedule between various points in Brigham City - 6th North Main, City Hall, and Bushnell Hospital. Busses left every hour or so and the trip from one end to the other took 20 minutes. Cab prices and phone numbers on the reverse.…
Small card of a bus schedule between various points in Brigham City - 6th North Main, City Hall, and Bushnell Hospital. Busses left every hour or so and the trip from one end to the other took 20 minutes. Cab prices and phone numbers on the reverse. 
Class C Pass for Bushnell General Hospital. Issued to Donald M. Canny. The pass is a small blue card printed with information about entitlements and priveledges to the bearer of the card. Donald's information is typewritten on the blanks of the card…
An amputee patient and nurse at Bushnell General Military Hospital in Brigham City, UT during WWII.
Homecoming Parade 1978.pdf
Photographs of the 1978 Homecoming parade in downtown Logan, Utah. Click once to view a full-size image, click again to view a PDF with multiple photographs.
Homecoming Parade 1976.pdf
Photographs of the 1976 Homecoming parade in downtown Logan, Utah. Click once to view a full-size image, click again to view a PDF with multiple photographs.
Homecoming Parade 1975.pdf
Photographs of the 1975 Homecoming Parade in downtown Logan, Utah. Click once to view a full-size image, click again to view a PDF with multiple photographs.
Homecoming Parade 1973.pdf
Photographs of the 1973 Homecoming Parade in downtown Logan, Utah. Click once to view a full-size image, click again to view a PDF with multiple photographs.
A photograph of the Homecoming Queen and her two attendants after winning the competition in 1972.
Homecoming Parade 1970.pdf
Photographs of the 1970 Homecoming parade in downtown Logan, Utah. Click once to view the full-size image, click again to view a PDF with multiple photographs.
Homecoming Parade 1966.pdf
Photographs of the 1966 Homecoming parade in downtown Logan, Utah. Click once to view the full-sized image, click again to view a PDF of multiple photographs.
Homecoming Parade 1962.pdf
Photographs of the 1965 Homecoming parade in downtown Logan, Utah. Click once to view the full-sized image, click again to view a PDF with multiple photographs.
A photograph of students looking at the Wagon Wheel, the symbol of the rivalry between USU and BYU, for Homecoming promotions.
A photograph of a float in the 1953 Homecoming parade with the theme "Halloween Hallucinations" and decorated with a witch.
A photograph of a young man presenting older USU alumni with an invitation to Homecoming in 1953.
A group photograph of the participants in the Old and New Alumni Program at Homecoming 1953.
A photograph of an elderly man and a young woman talking as part of the Old and New Alumni activity at Homecoming 1953.
A photograph of a Homecoming Committee, circa 1950
A photograph of a Homecoming parade float with the theme "Wash 'em Out, Ag's!" The float features a man with a hand-turned washing machine hanging Wyoming uniforms out to dry.
A photograph of a float in the 1950 Homecoming parade with the theme "Fallen Cowboy."
A float from the 1950 Homecoming parade featuring men dressed as Roman soldiers with their weapons.
A photograph of a group of young girls cheering in the Homecoming parade in 1950.
A photograph of a float in the 1950 Homecoming parade featuring a "Victory" theme and a woman flying an eagle.
A photograph of a float in the 1950 Homecoming parade with the theme "Up the Creek."
A photograph of an unlabelled house decorated for Homecoming 1949 with a "Welcome Home Alum's" sign and a mock football-game on the lawn.
A photograph of an unlabelled house decorated for Homecoming 1949 with the theme: "Budah'h Aggies."
A photograph of an anonymous house decorated for Homecoming in 1949. Three Little Bears theme.
Photograph of the 1949 Homecoming Parade on Main Street in Logan, UT
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