
Calendar pages of the De Villers Book of Hours
Nicolai Sorensen home in Kirke Fjenneslev, Denmark. Photograph taken by Michael Robert Sorensen and submitted by Robert Sorensen with the following information: "[The Sorensen] ancestral family home at Kirke Fjenneslev on the island of Sjaelland in…
Sign pointing the way to Kirke Fjenneslev, Denmark, home of Nicolai Sorensen and birthplace of his son Isaac Sorensen. Photograph taken by Michael Robert Sorensen and submitted by Robert Sorensen with the following information: "[The Sorensen]…
Correspondence from A.N. Sorensen to Robert N. Sorensen, May 9, 1956
Correspondence from Alma N. Sorensen to Robert N. Sorensen, May 3, 1958. Alma Sorensen writes about a "nurse with a come hither look", quotes Hawthorne, and mentions going to Mendon for the traditional May Queen crowning and Maypole dance.
Correspondence from Alma N. Sorensen and Mary Sorensen to Robert N. and Noel Sorensen, dated June 26, 1958. Envelope reads: Momma encouraging Nonnie on her second pregnancy (she lost the baby). Dad's topics are wide ranging-a terrific report.
Correspondence from Alma N. Sorensen to Robert N. Sorensen, September 9, 1958
Correspondence from Alma N. and Mary Sorensen to Robert N. and Noel Sorensen, October 15, 1958. Envelope reads: "Moma remembers David's death. Dad is at his very best in his letter-written just two months before he died. Upbeat, positive,…
Correspondence from Alma N. Sorensen and Mary Sorensen to Robert N. and Noel Sorensen, dated December 10, 1958. Envelope reads: "Wonderful last letter from Dad (he died the next day!) Prophetic because he gives a 'detached report of my physical…
Correspondence from Robert N. Sorensen to Alma N. and Mary Sorensen, dated January 25, 1952. Envelope reads: The Survival trek.
Correspondence from Miss Parry to Alma N. Sorensen, dated December 17, 1905
Correspondence from J.A. Gardner to Alma N. Sorensen, dated November 20, 1906. From Downey, Idaho.
Correspondence from Bessie Spencer to Alma N. Sorensen, dated June 1, 1916
Correspondence from W.W. Henderson to Professor Alma N. Sorensen of Brigham Young College, dated March 4, 1924. Also contains a note from B.L. Burman handwritten on the back.
Correspondence from Mary Sorensen (his mother) to Alma N. Sorensen, dated 1929 (from Mendon) wishing him a happy birthday.
Correspondence from the Utah Poultry Producers Co-Operative, Clyde C. Edmonds, Secretary and General Manager, dated March 25, 1933.
Correspondence from Frank R. A??? to Alma Sorensen, dated December 16, 1935 wishing him a happy Christmas.
Correspondence from Frank R. A??? to Alma N. Sorensen, dated October 12, 1938
Correspondence from Virginia Hanson to Alma N. Sorensen, dated January 17, 1956. Letter includes information about the public library of which Mr. Sorensen is President Emeritus.
Correspondence from Frederick P. Champ to Alma N. Sorensen, dated April 5, 1958, wishing him a rapid and complete recovery from his stay at the hospital.
Correspondence (handwritten) from Melvin Hulme to Professor Alma N. Sorensen, no date; praises Mr Sorensen on his World Literature class.
Correspondence from E. Perry to Elder Alma N. Sorensen, dated January 25, 1904 [envelope is inaccurate, not to S. George Ellsworth.]
Account of the missionary travels and experiences of A.N. [Alma Nicholas] Sorensen of Mendon, Utah, in southern West Virginia. Also included are passages of poetry, scripture, and songs and an accounting of money received from home.
Brigham Young College Cooking Recipes cook book, handwritten and compiled by Mary Carl [Carlisle] and instructor Phoebe Nebeker. Included in the cookbook are recipes for first and second year domestic arts students at Brigham Young College.…
Personal letter from Robert Sorensen to family, dated January 25, 1951. Letter describes his joy to be in Topeka, KS after a survival trek in Colorado for the Air Force.
Personal letter from Robert N. Sorensen to Alma N. Sorensen and family, dated July 30, 1951. Envelope reads: After a year in pilot training, I am assigned to Randolph AFB for transition into B-29s. Some revealing comments about what I mistakenly…
Personal letter from Robert N. Sorensen to Alma N. Sorensen and family, dated January 2, 1952. Envelope reads: from Topeka Kansas, 2 Jan. 1952, describing the trip with Bert Crandall from Logan. Via Air.
Personal letter from Robert N. Sorensen to Alma N. Sorensen and family, dated February 13, 1952. Envelope reads: About finished at Forbes. Will go home and leave and then on to California (Travis AFB) and departure to Japan. Brother Carlisle is…
Personal letter from Robert N. Sorensen to Alma N. Sorensen, dated April 12, 1952. Envelope reads: Kefa??? - Tennessee Waltz Taft - Beautiful Ohio Warren - California Here 2 come Ike - You're in the Army now Russell - Georgia. Written from Beautiful…
Personal letter from Robert Sorensen to Mary Sorensen, dated May 8, 1952. Envelope reads: a letter from the Orderly Room at Yokota AFB. Bob has moved to a new "single officer's BOQ" out-from-under Don Funk's watchful eyes. He mentions sending…
Personal letter from Robert N. Sorensen to Alma N. Sorensen and family, dated June 15, 1952. Envelope reads: This one should be shared (again). Some of the quaint happenings by our local Japanese; 6th mission completed; my Ford convertible sold by…
Personal letter from Robert N. Sorensen to Alma N. Sorensen and family, dated July 13, 1952. Envelope reads: Written after mission no. 9 when we crashed 25 June after landing at Ashiya, Japan. Will have a new aircraft commander (Kinnard) and new…
Personal letter from Robert N. Sorensen to Alma N. Sorensen and family, dated July 30, 1952. Envelope reads: Getting ready for a combat mission in "Police Action," our new airplane. Some observations on Japan and the Japanese.
Personal correspondence from Robert N. Sorensen to Alma N. Sorensen and family, dated August 11, 1952. Envelope reads: One of my best overviews of the Japanese culture and our temporary place in it. Good comparison between our old AC Don Funk and new…
Personal letter from Robert N. Sorensen to Alma N. Sorensen, dated September 20, 1952. Envelope reads: A daylight mission, flown successfully. Overseas tour winding down.
Personal letter from Robert N. Sorensen to Alma N. Sorensen, dated December 4, 1952. Envelope reads: Bob leaves for SAC survival training in Colorado "in the morning" good thing he didn't know what lay ahead.
Personal letter from Robert N. Sorensen to Alma N. Sorensen,and family dated April 21, 1953. Envelope reads: Written from Maxwell AFB where I was enrolled in Squadron Officers Course.
Personal letter from Robert N. Sorensen to Alma N. Sorensen and family, dated August 16, 1953. Envelope reads: at Berksdale. Still in B-29s - but the B-47 is coming. Also - an unconventional "autobiography" done at Maxwell AFB squadron officers…
Personal letter from Robert N. Sorensen to Alma N. Sorensen and family, dated February 26, 1954. Envelope reads: written from the "nose" seat in a B-47 on a night training mission at Wichita, Kansas. Nicely done!
A description of the book, The Haven of Health, written by the author.
An example of the red coloring along the edges of the pages of Thomas Cogan's book The Haven of Health
title page cropped thomas cogan.jpg
The title page cropped to emphasize Thomas Cogan's name and title
An epistle written by Thomas Cogan to Sir Edward Seymour explaining the importance of this book of "physicke"
A page written in Latin preceeding Cogan's The Haven of Health
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