
H. Channon Company catalog, front cover, 1912
H. Anthony Ruckel of Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, Inc. Letter to Ruth Frear
Letter discussing an enclosed Supplementary Statement by the Sierra Club to go to relevant regulatory agencies in fighting placement of nuclear waste sight in Utah.
Gymnasium located on the third floor in the north wing (?) of Old Main, circa 1895. The gymnasium was used until 1910 when the Smart Gymnasium was built. Photo used to illustrate the 1894-95 catalog. Size of photograph: 7.25 x 9.25 in.
A sculpture of a Man standing on the Earth, underneath elements of nature.
These images are a selection form the "Gusthekla, 1915 Season" scrapbook. This page features images of Gustav Becker, his wife Thekla, and several of their friends riding horses across the Indian Trail in Ogden Canyon. Gustav and Thekla are both in…
These images are selections from Gustav Becker's "Gusthekla Season 1915" Scrapbook. The images feature Gustav Becker (third in from the right) and several of his friends enjoying a camping trip. The Becker's, being a wealthy family, often brought…
Mr. Gustavo Estrada talks about the traditions of his native Mexico, his father’s sudden death (when he was in the US), his studies at Utah State University in Electrical Engineering, his numerous jobs and how he has adapted well to Logan and its…
This photograph shows Gustav Becker and his two daughters on horseback. Katherine Becker is on the right, Gustav in the center and Helen Becker on the right.
In 1939, Gustav L. Becker was elected to the president of the United States Brewers' Association. At the time, this was the largest brewer advocacy group in the country. This scrapbook contains mostly newspaper articles, photographs, speeches and…
This is a photograph of Gustav Becker taking aim and sighting down his rifle. Mr. Becker was widely praised for his ability as a marksman. Here he is wearing his shooting vest adorned with various awards and medals. This photograph was taken in the…
This image shows Gustav Becker firing his rifle at the custom made gun chimes. John M. Browning invented the chimes for Gustav in the 1920s. This device was used to make music by rapidly firing bullets at the different white boxes. Mr. Becker used…
This image features Gustav Becker shooting a clay pigeon in the air above an unknown man's head. Gustav Becker was known for being an excellent marksman and often performed many stunt shots. These included shooting traps from a moving vehicle and a…
This scrapbook page has several newspaper articles regarding brewing. The article in the top left describes a recent legal case which determined one cannot trademark colors for a brand. The small article in the bottom left describes a few steps for a…
This scrap book page has newspaper clippings from two articles. Both articles focus on the Young Prohibition Bill, which made Utah a dry state in 1917. In the longer article, Gustav Becker presents his arguments for a more lenient bill. He asks that…
This scrapbook page features several newspaper articles. Two of the articles discuss Gustav Becker's performance at trap shooting competitions. The article on the far right is a transcript of a speech on Abraham Lincoln by Rev. R. J. Burdette. The…
This scrapbook page includes several newspaper articles. Three of the articles describe shooting competitions in which Gustav Becker participated. The last article, in the bottom left corner, describes how businessmen from Los Angeles appreciated…
This scrapbook page has two photographs of the original Becker Brewing and Malting Company. The top photo features the employees of the brewery posing for a picture. Gustav Becker is on the far right side of the photograph. All the other employees…
This scrapbook page has two documents on it. The document on the left is an entry sheet and score card for the Idaho-Utah Sportsmen's Association. The article on the right announces that Gustav Becker has offered his Ogden plant to President Wilson.…
This scrapbook page has several pictures and postcards of the Becker family on vacation. The top picture is of two unknown children playing in the sand. The other photo is of an unknown location. The top post card was written by Katherine Becker to…
This page has three articles discussing the shooting ability of Gustav Becker. The article on the top of the page tales the story of Gustav Becker's shooting chimes. These chimes were designed by John M. Browning for Gustav Becker to play the tune to…
This scrapbook page features two images of Gustav Becker posing with his shotgun. It also has two articles, one a comic, concerning Gustav's trap shooting. The image in the bottom left is of an unknown baby.
This scrapbook page has several newspaper articles pasted to it. The two large articles are reports of Gustav Becker offering his plant to the U.S. government for use during World War I. The article on the far left contains a copy of Mr. Becker's…
The two photographs and the article on this page are about a pioneer day parade in Ogden, Utah. Gustav Becker dressed up as Wild Bill Cody and performed feats of marksmanship for the on looking crowd. The article on the right describes a series of…
This photograph features Gustav Becker (center, wearing white) giving a speech to the Ogden Chapter of the American Legion. Gustav was an outspoken advocate for the American Legion and often hosted events for the organization at his brewery.
This is a letter of recommendation for Gustav Becker written by A.P. Bigelow of the Ogden State Bank. The letter describes the quality characteristic of Gustav Becker. Before credit checks, letters of recommendation were esscential for securing…
These images are selections from Gustav Becker's family scrapbook. It contains various family pictures, as well as, photographs of the Becker's home and recreation activities. The images featured here are family photographs. The first photo is of…
This is a photograph of Gustav Becker taking aim at an olive on a toothpick. The toothpick is held in the mouth of an unknown man. Gustav Becker was recognized nationally for his skill as a marksman. He won a lot of local fame by performing various…
This photograph shows Gustav and Thekla Becker picnicking underneath a tree. Gustav, Thekla and the entire Becker family were avid recreationists, and enjoyed many family outings and picnics.
Gung Ho Newsletter, Number 51, July 2000.
image of Frank Ross's gun in 2010 True Grit
Illustration from Polish edition of Gulliver's Travels depicting Gulliver in his lodgings
Image taken from page 406 of 'Gulliver's Travels ... New edition depicting Gulliver imitating the gesture and movements of the Houyhnhnm
Engraved image from Gulliver's Travels depicting Gulliver bidding farewell to his Houyhnhnm master
Illustration from Portuguese edition of Gulliver's Travels depicting Gulliver bidding farewell to his Master
Illustration from Portuguese edition of Gulliver's Travels depicting Gulliver and his Master
Gulliver and his Houyhnhnm master talking
Engraved image from Gulliver's Travels depicting Gulliver and his Houyhnhnm master talking
Male students making guitars in a wood-shop
Shot of Tun Lay's guitar as it rests on its stand.
Guidebook to the Central Utah Relocation Project in Topaz, Utah describes to incoming residents the layout, facilities, and services of the center. Illustrated by Yuri Sugihara, the guidebook contains maps, building layouts, a diagram of the "Topaz…
Guha Shankar teaching students about documentary photography.
Guest cabins at Triangle X dude ranch, Grand Tetons National Park.
A guard on watch duty at Tanforan Assembly Center.
Illustration of a guard at a camp gate.
Grumman catalog, front cover, undated
Grumman catalog, front cover, undated
Grumman catalog, front cover, 1980
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