
This photograph shows Helen Becker, Gustav and Thekla Becker's youngest child, playing with several puppies.
This is a photograph of teenaged Katherine Becker sitting in front of several palm trees.
The two photographs and the article on this page are about a pioneer day parade in Ogden, Utah. Gustav Becker dressed up as Wild Bill Cody and performed feats of marksmanship for the on looking crowd. The article on the right describes a series of…
This is a photograph of Gustav Becker and his wife, Thekla, at their home in Ogden, Utah. They are posed with their two dogs, a horse and buggy, and with an unknown individual. The Becker's moved to a larger home several years later.
This photograph shows Gustav and Thekla Becker picnicking underneath a tree. Gustav, Thekla and the entire Becker family were avid recreationists, and enjoyed many family outings and picnics.
This photograph is of Helen Becker, Gustav and Thekla's youngest child. Helen Becker was born September 19, 1908.
This photograph shows Gustav Becker and his two daughters on horseback. Katherine Becker is on the right, Gustav in the center and Helen Becker on the right.
This article outlines the reasons behind the liquidation of the Becker Manufacturing Company. The Becker Manufacturing Company of Ogden was formed after the Becker Brewing and Malting Company of Ogden was dissolved in 1917. Upon the dissolution of…
This is the obituary of John S. Becker, father of Gustav and Albert Becker. John Becker passed away on April 22, 1918 from natural causes. John Becker was born in Baden, Germany in 1829. He left Germany when he was 16 years old, citing a dislike of…
This photograph shows Albert E. Becker shaking hands with Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig. Both Gehrig and Ruth played baseball for the New York Yankees during the 1920s and 30s. It is unknown why Albert Becker met with these two baseball legends.
This photograph shows an unknown chemist working at the Becker Brewing and Malting Factory.
This photograph shows two Becker Products Company employees packaging bottles of Becker's American Pilsener Beer. Both employees are unknown.
This photograph shows Albert E. Becker, the vice president of the Becker Products Company, inspecting the beer from the brew kettle. The Becker's took quality very seriously and paid meticulous attention to ever detail of the brewing process.
This image shows an unknown employee with an oil can inside the ice manufacturing room at the Becker Brewing and Malting Company plant. In addition to beer, the Beckers also manufactured malt and ice. Income from selling ice helped to supplement the…
This photograph was taken by an unknown photographer during Grey's trip to Rainbow Bridge in April 1922. John Wetherill points out the desert landscape to Zane Grey in Southern Utah.
This photograph was taken by an unknown photographer during Grey's trip to Rainbow Bridge in April 1922. Zane Grey stands next to a Paiute[?] women and her two children.
This photograph was taken by an unknown photographer during Grey's trip to Rainbow Bridge in April 1922. Zane Grey crouches next to a Paiute [?] women and her two children.
This photograph was taken by an unknown photographer who accompanied Zane Grey on his April 1922 Rainbow Bridge trip. Zane Grey's stands in front of Rainbow Bridge.
This photograph was taken by an unknown photographer on Zane Grey's Rainbow Bridge in April 1922. Zane Grey overlooks a smooth rock formation on the return journey.
This photograph was taken by an unknown photographer on Zane Grey's April 1922 trip. Louise Anderson and Zane Grey chat underneath a rock.
Photograph of a Shoshone family from Washakie
A Shoshone woman dressed in Native American fashion.
A group of Shoshone women and two children.
A standing Shoshone woman
Photograph of a Shoshone woman sitting in camp near the Logan tabernacle
A group of Shoshone women walking across Tabernacle Square in Logan, Utah
1-4-29C-49-A000637 2.jpg
picture of a Vietnam war protest in the late 1960s
picture of a Vietnam war protest
This is an excerpt from "A Fence Away From Freedom," edited by Ellen Levine. This item explores Kay Uno's memories of Pearl Harbor as a child on the West Coast. Kay Uno was later interred at the Granada Colorado relocation center.
King Clovis I using the "Royal Touch" to heal a skin disease called scrofula.
History of the settlement of Hyrum, Utah, including information dealing with Agriculture, Canals, Dairies, Cattle, and the United Order of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Uptowne's Barber Shoppe, 14543 N. Cheshire St., Burton, OH 44021 - near Shepherd's
Major POW camps across the United States as of June, 1944.
The United States Army Nurse Corps (AN or ANC) was formally established by the U.S. Congress in 1901. It is one of the six medical special branches (or "corps") of officers which – along with medical enlisted soldiers – comprise the Army Medical…
top secret 1962 document, this page outlined Russian missile ranges from bases in cuba
Utah Women in the Workforce
A graph portraying the number of women in Utah in 1970 that are in, and not in the labor force. This graph is based on their marital status, whether they have children or not, the age of their children, whether or not they have a husband present.
Geology of Uranium Map 2.tif
Geological map of the Colorado Plateau
Picture of Orrin Hatch
This image is a part of the United States Strategic Bombing Survey in Japan. This study sought to evaluate the effects and importance of air power. The children in this image are playing in the street in Japan. This picture was likely taken after the…
A concert program for the fifth concert held in a series of ten concerts for the Summer Festival Series the year of 1949. The program includes works by Beethoven, Debussy, and Franck performed by Johana Harris and Leonard Rose and was performed in…
A concert program for the sixth concert held in a series of ten concerts for the Summer Festival Series the year of 1949. The program includes works by Haydn, Beethoven, and Debussy performed by Joseph Gingold, James Barret, Milton Preeves, and…
A concert program for the tenth concert held in a series of ten concerts for the Summer Festival Series the year of 1949. The program includes works by J.S. Bach, Paul Hindersmith, and Bela Bartok performed by Johana Harris and The String Sinfonia. 
185 South 100 East, Logan, Utah. A concert program for a Benefit Concert held by Johana Harris to raise funds for the Logan Eleventh Ward building (a church building in the Logan, Utah Area). The program includes works by Bach, Beethoven, Schubert,…
Ticket to a USAC homecoming football game. Year unknown.
The football program for the 1953 Homecoming game against Montana on October 31.
Children eating lunch in a cafeteria
children eating lunch in a cafeteria
This is a graph depicting agricultural farm input prices compared to output prices.
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