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Illuminated miniature of the Virgin and Child in the opening page of the Obsecro Te from the De Villers Book of Hours.
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Notes on the family of Pierre De Villers and Jeanne de Chissiret, 1603-1621.
Ana Cecilia Barragán talks about growing up happy in Peru with her family; she talks about her courtship and marriage in Peru to her husband, their move to the US. She talks about her work in Utah at a plastics factory where all the workers are…
Alicia Espinoza talks about her childhood in Santiago, Chile, joining the LDS Church when she is 14 years old; the difficulties during the political crisis with Pinochet. She talks about her education, becoming an LPN and a dietist [dietician]. She…
Mrs. Ana Trujillo talks about her childhood in a poor neighborhood in Venezuela, working from an early age because her father was elderly. She talks about her family and country traditions, her education as an accountant, and her desire to study for…
Mr. Arián Baquero talks about the hard experiences he had to undergo in his native Colombia because of the Colombian guerrilla, his move to the United States, the serious accident he had as a child, and how he surmounted all these difficulties and…
Ms. Carmen Yupanqui Zaa talks about her childhood in Lima, Peru, her Peruvian traditions (carnival, Christmas, New Years, Prom) and celebrations, and her move to Utah when she was 26 years old to study for a Master’s degree in Irrigation Engineering.…
Mr. Ariel Rosario talks about his childhood in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, including traditions. He talks about receiving a scholarship to study at Utah State University, and his move to Cache Valley; receiving a bachelor's degree in…
Mr. César Hernández talks about his life in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, and his move to different United States cities working on pine plantations. He also tells about his dramatic experience in the desert where he got lost and could not eat for…
Ms. Clara Galeano talks about her childhood in Paraguay living and working in the countryside, about her move to Utah when she was 18 years old for medical reasons and how she has undergone thirteen surgeries, her work towards a degree at Utah State…
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Mr. Eduardo Ortiz talks about his childhood in a little village in Los Andes called Alausí in Ecuador, his law studies in Quito, his job as a lawyer, his move to the United States to study business (in which he earned a master’s degree) and now…
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Mr. Enrique Mendoza talks about his poor and hard childhood in México, his move to the United States, his efforts to learn the language and gain an education, his conversion to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Church and mission. He…
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Mr. Enrique Sotelo talks about his childhood and traditions in his native Mexico, his feelings about Cache Valley and the US, his religious beliefs, how he met his partner Graciela and about raising their children in the US.
Mrs. Delina Carpio Amestoy talks about the peaceful childhood she spent in her native Bolivia, her job as a hairdresser, her secret marriage when she was very young, and her adult life now in Utah with her beloved granddaughters.
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Ms. Elisaida Méndez talks about her childhood and traditions in her native Puerto Rico, her move to the United States, for a teaching job in New York, her education, including a Master’s Degree in Phycology from Temple University in Philadelphia,…
Mr. Daniel Useche talks about his life in his native San Cristóbal, Venezuela, including information about his parents’ and grandparents’ lives, the history of his surname, his education in Venezuela. He also talks about his move to the US to get…
Ena Murillo talks about the difficult life in El Salvador during the civil war, her studies and job as a nurse, her move to the United States and her warm feelings towards Cache Valley. She talks about going back to school to become a nurse…
Ms. Elizabeth Rosas talks about her childhood and education in Michoacán, Mexico; her courtship and marraige; her move to the United States when she was 21, her feelings towards Cache Valley, her religious beliefs, etc. The interview ends with…
Dr. Héctor Mendiola talks about his life and family in Mexico, medical studies, his work as a physician and teacher, his move to Utah in 1993, his current job, and work at Logan High School and his participation as a leader in the Utah State…
John Hernandez talks about his childhood in Wendover, Utah, his childhood family life, his struggles with education and his love and dedication to teaching. He also talks about his active sports life and his “miracle baby” son.
Mr. Germán Sabillón talks about his childhood and traditions in Honduras, his career in Irrigation Engineering, his education in Honduras and Utah, his jobs in Honduras and Utah, and contract work in Jordan, Syria and other counties. He talks about…
Mr. Jorge Rodas talks about his childhood and traditions in his native Guatemala, his move to California in 1984 with his parents because of unrest in Guatemala; applying for and receiving political asylum in the US; his jobs, his experiences; his…
Ginny McKee talks about her ancestors from Spain, migrating to the US, her family and her youth in Colorado, her family’s move to Ogden, Utah, college life, meeting her husband, traveling with her husband and children in Jordan and India, her family…
Mrs. Cuevas talks about her childhood in California, her family history from Mexico, her pride for Mexican history and culture. She expresses gratitude towards black people for their efforts to gain equality of opportunities for everybody regardless…
Mr. Juan Pablo Spicer-Escalante talks about his childhood in Kansas, his warm feelings towards Argentina, his adopted country, his work as a professional soccer official and taking time off from perusing a PhD in economics, changing his major to…
Mr. Gustavo Estrada talks about the traditions of his native Mexico, his father’s sudden death (when he was in the US), his studies at Utah State University in Electrical Engineering, his numerous jobs and how he has adapted well to Logan and its…
Mrs. Lara Linares talks about her life and traditions, including traditions (Christmas, dinnertime, dating) in her native Ecuador, her parents, politics, her studies, her jobs, coming to the US, learning to do things for her self, like cook. She also…
Mr. Ernesto De La Hoz talks about his childhood in Bogotá, his studies connected with Marine Biology, his move to the United States to study. He also talks about how he met his wife Rachael in the US, the importance of his wife and children: Daniela…
Laura talks about her difficult and poor childhood in Mexico where she had to work from an early age to help her family, traditions like Day of the Dead, Christmas and Three Kings Day and burial customs; and her marriage. She talks about her husband…
Professor Lucy Delgadillo talks about her childhood in Nicaragua during the civil war, her life in Costa Rica, her feelings on being a citizen of a country with voting rights (Costa Rica, USA), her move to Kentucky to education through an American…
Mrs. Lisamel Vázquez talks about her childhood in Puerto Rico, moving to Mexico City with her parents for her father's job when she was 16, her move to Cache Valley in 1989. She also talks about her parents, husband and three daughters and their…
Mr. Leo Bravo talks about holidays in his homeland of Venezuela, about coming to Utah State University to study, his life in Cache Valley, his family, and his jobs, particularly about his current job as Family Adviser for the Cache Valley…
Rob Cruz talks about his childhood in California, growing up around a his father’s extended family, including his grandparents who immigrated from Mexico; later moving an hour away to an area with lots of space close to the Los Angeles Mountains: the…
Yolanda Mendiola Bates talks about her childhood in Mexico, her parent’s divorce and her father’s remarriage, being raised by her grandmother and aunts and her relationship with her brothers. She talks about competitive swimming, including…
María Spicer Escalante talks about her childhood in Michoacán and Ciudad de México, her work as a journalists in Mexico, her studies in linguistic, her job as a university professor at Utah State University, her feelings towards her husband and son,…
Maureen Patricia Winn talks about her childhood and family life in Bolivia with her parents. She talks about her early years at different schools and cities in Bolivia; her move to the U.S. to study and Ricks College (now Brigham Young University…
Yolanda Mendiola Bates talks about her childhood in Mexico, her parent’s divorce and her father’s remarriage. She talks about competitive swimming, about receiving a full-ride scholarship to swim at Brigham Young University, converting to the Church…
Mrs. Noemí Sabillón talks about her childhood in Honduras working at her parent’s store, going away to boarding school, her studies at university in Honduras and at Utah State University where she received two master’s degrees: soil science and…
Mr. Mario Barragán talks about his childhood in Perú, about his father, veterinary doctor, who died when he was young causing him to begin work at an early age, his jobs, including work cheese factory in Utah, his marriage, his feelings towards Cache…
Mrs. Zuri García talks about being born in Puerto Rico, but moving when she was very young to first New York and then Salt Lake City when her parents separated. She talks about her mother becoming ill and living with their grandmother in Salt Lake…
Mr. Samuel Rivera talks about his childhood in Honduras with his large happy family, including his twin brother; he talks about family and religious traditions, including St. Anthony’s Day. He also talks about his father’s efforts to send all his ten…
Mr. Néstor Niño Rocha talks about his life in Colombia, his move to Cache Valley, his feelings about religion and his family, and his thoughts about immigration. He also gives his opinion on social and cultural issues.
Mrs. Sara Hargreaves talks about growing up on her father’s plantation in Danlí, Honduras, including having servants and family celebrations; she also talks about her family history going back to Spain and Germany, including German political exiles…
Luis Espinoza talks about the political situation in Chile when his grandparents lived there, and the effect on his (politically involved) family, and their subsequent flight to the US. He also discusses his fat her’s arrest in Chile. He then talks…
Mrs. Maria L. Montalvo talks about her childhood in Veracruz, Mexico, her studies and job as social worker, and how she had a calling from God to be a Pastor (Iglesia De Dios Ebenezer (Church of God Ebenezer). She left her family and country and…
Mr. Julio Vergara talks about his life in Chile: his work and education and family celebrations, his move to the United States in 1994 for schooling, his marriage and four daughters, family celebrations in the U.S., his jobs in financial…
Mr. Rolando Murillo talks about his childhood in El Salvador, his move to the United States because of the civil war in his country, his studies, his jobs including his current position at Cache Valley Insurance, working with Hispanic clientele, a…
Miss Yasmeen Pineda talks about her parents’ roots in Mexico, and how they came to live in Cache Valley. She discusses her quinceañera and the ways she (with her family) celebrate her Mexican tradition. She talks about her responsibilities in her…
Karen Franco, Alex Pineda, Flor Pacheco, Hector Hernandez, Luis Madrigal, Yasmeen Pineda and Maria R. focus group interview on November 7, 2012. Latino/a students at Mt. Crest High School in Hyrum, Utah, talk about their family, Hispanic heritage,…
Mr. Hector Hernandez discusses his move to the United States from Mexico when he was nine years old, and how he adjusted to learning a new language and culture. He talks about his daily life as a teen in Cache Valley, as well as his goals for himself…
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