
South Main Street and a bridge over the Logan River in 1930. U.I.C. tracks can also be seen crossing the bridge at the right of the street. This photo was taken by the Logan City Corporation.
A panorama view of Main Street in Logan in 1920 from First North to First South, looking Northwest. A U.I.C. train can be seen in the center of the photo. The Logan Tabernacle can be seen on the right, the Thatcher Bros. Bank is in the center-left,…
The first O.L.I. train enters Lewiston on February 26, 1915. Records state that the first passengers from Lewiston to ride the train are: Goudy A. Hogan, Samuel F. Werser, Peter E. Van Orden, Dr. John M. Bernhisel, Jr., Joseph W. Leavitt, Eulalie…
The U.I.C.'s East Quinney Branch Bridge near Trenton, Utah in 1967. This photo was taken by The Herald Journal and given to the Merrill-Cazier Library as a gift.
The view a passenger riding the U.I.C. would have seen West of Beaverdam in the Malad Valley. This photo was taken on the old U.I.C. railroad grade, which was constructed for the Utah Northern Railroad before the U.I.C. was created. This photo was…
A railroad bridge near Petersboro, Utah built for the Utah Northern Railroad and used by the U.I.C. This bridge crosses the Beaverdam divide as passengers would have either arrived in or departed from Cache Valley on their trip. This photo was taken…
A view of Clarkston Mountain from the former U.I.C. Railroad grade. This was also part of the grade originally constructed for the Utah Northern Railroad but used by the Eccles Corporation for the formation of the Ogden, Logan & Idaho Railway. This…
A U.I.C. train stopped at the Logan Station on South Main Street in Logan, Utah in the 1940s. The Capitol Theatre and First Security Bank can be seen in the background. Cars lining the street indicate the growing popularity of automobiles and signal…
A U.I.C. engine and passenger car stopped at a wye stop in Logan, Utah in the 1940s. This wye stop was located at 153 South Main Street, the current location of a Motel. This area served as a railyard, coalyard, and wye stop for the U.I.C. throughout…
A U.I.C. freight engine and a U.I.C. passenger engine stopped at the Logan wye stop at 153 South Main Street in the 1940s.
A U.I.C. freight and passenger train stops at the Logan Station on Main Street in the 1940s. A man loads freight from his truck onto the train as city traffic passes him by. A market, the Capitol Theatre, and the First Security Bank are visible in…
A snow plow engine and railroad car are stopped at the South end of the wye stop in Logan in the 1940s. These snow plow engines were crucial to the operation of the U.I.C. throughout the winter months in Cache Valley and northern Utah. A number of…
A motorman and conductor pause for a photo in their U.I.C. engine while stopped at the Logan wye stop in the 1940s. A newspaper article written later indicated that the names of the motorman and conductor are George Smith and Lon Handy respectively.…
A photo of Theurer's Grocery Store in Providence, Utah in 1978. Theurer's Grocery Store was a major customer and benefactor of the U.I.C. and its freight service throughout its operation. The store provided hardware and groceries for the local…
This is the Blacksmith Fork Canyon Power Plant in 1913 which was owned and operated by the Utah Power and Light Company. It was originally funded and built by David Eccles and the Eccles Corporation for the purpose of producing electricity for the…
Students of South Cache High School await the Utah-Idaho Central Railroad near the school in Hyrum, Utah in the 1920s. The U.I.C. assisted with the transportation of students to schools throughout Cache Valley and had done so since the establishment…
South Cache High School students board the Utah-Idaho Central Railroad near the school in Hyrum, Utah in the 1920s. Hyrum had two train stops to assist students in getting to school and returning to their homes.
A story taken from "Railroad Avenue: Great Stories and Legends of American Railroading" by Freeman Hubbard. In the story, a farmer, his pregnant wife, and an attendant are stuck in the snow in their carriage while trying to get his wife to a hospital…
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A newspaper article by David England titled "Utah, Idaho Central Made Last Run 25 Years Ago," taken from The Citizen on February 17, 1972. The article similarly commemorates the last U.I.C. train to travel the route and provides a brief overview of…
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A newspaper article by David England titled "17 Years Ago, A Railroad Died," taken from an unknown newspaper on February 28, 1964. The article commemorates the last U.I.C. train to travel the route and provides a brief overview of the history of the…
An order form from the Capitol Theatre's Assistant Manager (referred to simply as "J.") in Logan, Utah for cleaning supplies from Lovinger Disinfectant Co. in Salt Lake City. This order form was submitted on May 21, 1928. The U.I.C. would play a role…
Another U.I.C. freight bill dated November 4, 1930 for supplies shipped from Lovinger Disinfectant Co. in Salt Lake City to the Capitol Theatre in Logan. The bill indicates that the shipment arrived the same day, was also initially shipped with the…
A U.I.C. freight bill dated September 8, 1928 for cleaning supplies from Lovinger Disinfectant Co. in Salt Lake City shipped to the Capitol Theatre in Logan. This form indicates that the Bamberger Electric train first transported the supplies before…
A letter from J.W. Bailey, the Superintendent of the Ogden Rapid Transit Company, to the Becker Brewing and Malting Company in Ogden. The brewing company was a loyal customer of the O.R.T., O.L.I., and U.I.C. from the establishment of their services…
A U.I.C. freight bill dated October 30, 1919 for shipping services for the Becker Brewing and Malting Company from a local customer in Ogden. A stamp on the freight bill indicates the relationship between the Salt Lake and Utah Railway and the O.L.I.…
A Bill of Lading for shipping products between the Lewiston Beverage Company and the Becker Brewing and Malting Company. This bill is from August 1, 1923 and is evidence of the relationships between companies that benefitted from the U.I.C.'s…
The Freight Bill associated with the Bill of Lading for shipping services between the Lewiston Beverage Company and the Becker Brewing and Malting Company. This bill is dated to August 3, 1923.
An announcement from the mayor of Mendon City, Sydney K. Larsen, regarding the renovation and preservation of the U.I.C. station in Mendon for community use in July, 2004. The announcement includes the site plans and proposed remodeling for the…
A restaurant menu used by the Mendon Station restaurant during its operation from 1985-1995. The Mendon Station was used for many purposes after the U.I.C. ended its operations. Its use as a restaurant provided the local community with another center…
A temporary first mortgage bond for the reincorporated Utah-Idaho Central Railroad Company of Delaware in December, 1926. Following financial trouble, the U.I.C. briefly left the hands of the Eccles Corporation for the first time when it was…
An annual U.I.C. Railroad pass issued for Mrs. T.H. Perleywits and her two daughters for use across the Utah-Idaho Central Railroad route in 1930. The pass indicates that it may not be used for the bus lines that the U.I.C. operated at the time.
A newspaper article titled "Bridge Going Nowhere" by an unknown author, taken from the Herald Journal on June 1, 1961. This article references the large steel bridge on the East Quinney Branch route of the former U.I.C. and discusses the short…
This map displays the interurban lines and their connections in Utah in 1916. The initials of the creators, J.R. and H.C.E., are located at the bottom left. The map shows the new ability of citizens of Utah to travel to areas throughout the state by…
Frederick P. Champ contacted A.P. Bigelow on April 18, 1922 regarding a stockholder meeting for the U.I.C. These meetings were held in Ogden, Utah at the company's headquarters. Champ was a citizen of Logan and often sent his proxy card to Bigelow in…
A.P. Bigelow replied to Champ on April 19, 1922. Bigelow agreed to serve as proxy and vote for Champ's stock in the stockholder meeting that would soon be held by the U.I.C.
A.P. Bigelow responded to Frederick Champ, dated May 9, 1922, reporting the results of the U.I.C. stockholder meeting held May 1, 1922. Bigelow reports that there was an election for the Board of Directors with only one change to the Board.
A.P. Bigelow wrote a second time to Frederick Champ, dated May 15, 1923, reporting the business discussed at the 1923 U.I.C. stockholder meeting. The meeting consisted of a review of the financial statement of the U.I.C. and the reelection of the…
This letter documents A.P. Bigelow's report to Frederick Champ, April 6, 1928, outlining the discussions of the 1928 U.I.C. stockholder meeting. The report indicates that the old Board of Directors were reelected and Bigelow specifically states that,…
This letter was written by Frederick Champ to George Eccles on January 8, 1944. At this point the financial situation of the U.I.C. was very poor and this is represented in Champ's concerns with tax loss on his portion of the company stock and bonds.…
This is a follow-up letter from Frederick Champ to George Eccles, dated March 18, 1944. Champ's concerns regarding tax loss were not resolved by the U.I.C. at this point. He continued to reach out to have his tax loss deficits refunded by the company…
On June 3, 1944 Frederick Champ wrote to George Eccles concerning the United States Chamber of Commerce memberships for the Ogden Transit Company, the Utah-Idaho Central Railroad, and the Salt Lake and Utah Railroad Corporations. Financial struggles…
This letter from May 26, 1944 is the letter prompting Frederick Champ to begin reaching out to George Eccles about the United States Chamber of Commerce memberships for several Utah companies. Donald Marcellus, the Director of Field Activities for…
Champ's June 1, 1944 letter portrays the true financial hardship that the Utah-Idaho Central Railroad had been experiencing since the late 1920s. Champ explains to Donald Marcellus that the future operations of the U.I.C. are in question, that they…
On June 7, 1944 Donald Marcellus wrote this letter to R.E. Titus, Vice President of both the Ogden Transit Company and the Utah-Idaho Central Railroad. Though this letter is specifically addressing the Ogden Transit Company, it is beneficial to view…
This June 19, 1944 letter from Champ to Marcellus confirms that the U.S. Chamber membership of the Utah-Idaho Central Railroad and the Salt Lake and Utah Railroad Corporations both would be lapsing due to financial struggles.
In 1940, the Utah-Idaho Central Railroad Company was purchased and reincorporated as the Utah-Idaho Central Railroad Corporation. As a result of the reincorporation, bondholders received a portion of their bond deposits and were also able to convert…
This letter from December 10, 1940 is Champ's response to the U.I.C. Bondholder Protective Committee authorizing them to convert his bonds into the new corporation's stocks.
Champ sent in this bond certificate with his December 10 letter to the U.I.C. Bondholder Protective Committee for conversion to the new company's stocks. The certificate is listed under his wife's name, Elizabeth S. Champ.
This document is a letter from Frederick Champ to the Cache Valley Banking Company written September 13, 1944. Attached to the letter were Champ's five U.I.C. bond interest coupons due for payment in February, 1944. He submitted the coupons and the…
In 1945, the U.I.C. was again reincorporated under the ownership of the Amalgamated Sugar Company to try to maintain operation of the railroad. The railroad requested that all stockholders return their stocks to be cashed and invested in the new…
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