
This is a photograph included in the book: "The Japanese Occupation of the Philippines: A Pictorial History" edited by Ricardo T. Jose and Lydia Yu-Jose. This photograph shows a Japanese soldier teaching Japanese to a class of Filipino children…
This is a photograph included in the book: "The Japanese Occupation of the Philippines: A Pictorial History" edited by Ricardo T. Jose and Lydia Yu-Jose. This photograph displays a crowd of Filipino children preforming radio taiso exercises, which…
This photograph is included in the book: "The Japanese Occupation of the Philippines: A Pictorial History" edited by Ricardo T. Jose and Lydia Yu-Jose. In this photograph three children are peddling goods to make money during the Japanese occupation…
This photograph is from the March 12, 1941 edition of the Photographic Weekly Report (Shashin Shuho), which was a weekly pictorial journal published by the Japanese Cabinet Intelligence Department during the interwar years of 1938-1945. This magazine…
This photograph is from the March 12, 1941 edition of the Photographic Weekly Report (Shashin Shuho), which was a weekly pictorial journal published by the Japanese Cabinet Intelligence Department during the interwar years of 1938-1945. This magazine…
This photograph is from the October 25, 1939 edition of the Photographic Weekly Report (Shashin Shuho), which was a weekly pictorial journal published by the Japanese Cabinet Intelligence Department during the interwar years of 1938-1945. This…
This photograph is from the October 6, 1943 edition of the Photographic Weekly Report (Shashin Shuho), which was a weekly pictorial journal published by the Japanese Cabinet Intelligence Department during the interwar years of 1938-1945. This…
This photograph is from the September 15, 1943 edition of the Photographic Weekly Report (Shashin Shuho), which was a weekly pictorial journal published by the Japanese Cabinet Intelligence Department during the interwar years of 1938-1945. This…
This photograph is from the August 6, 1941 edition of the Photographic Weekly Report (Shashin Shuho), which was a weekly pictorial journal published by the Japanese Cabinet Intelligence Department during the interwar years of 1938-1945. This magazine…
This photograph is from the May 19, 1943 edition of the Photographic Weekly Report (Shashin Shuho), which was a weekly pictorial journal published by the Japanese Cabinet Intelligence Department during the interwar years of 1938-1945. This magazine…
This photograph is from the August 6, 1941 edition of the Photographic Weekly Report (Shashin Shuho), which was a weekly pictorial journal published by the Japanese Cabinet Intelligence Department during the interwar years of 1938-1945. This magazine…
This is a photograph taken by Paul Jordan, a member of the Technicolor Government Services on November 25, 1944. The youth in the picture is Gerilino Bening, who was a 16-year old guerilla, attached to Company B of the Filipino 96th Infantry Regiment…
This photograph was taken by the Technicolor Government Services on February 23, 1945. This photograph depicts refugees leaving Manilla to go behind American lines.
This photograph was taken by the Technicolor Government Services on February 23, 1945. This photograph shows a family sheltered beneath a sheet of metal. Their home was destroyed by either Japanese soldiers or American aerial bombardment.
In 1945, American forces began to recapture Manilla. They used aerial power and bombardment to try and get the Japanese forces to surrender. This damaged much of the city. Japanese soldiers also pillaged and burned residential areas causing even more…
This photograph shows many Filipino civilians leaving Intramuros, Manilla with the smoldering city in the background.
This photograph was taken by the Technicolor Government Services in Manilla on March 12, 1945. This picture shows Filipino children gathering bricks to help rebuild the city.
This photograph shows a starving Filipino girl who is clutching a ration box on February 7th, 1945. This image was taken by G. Faillace who worked for Technicolor Government Services. Smoke continues to rise from the city of Manila in the…
This is an excerpt from "Asia's Captive Colonies" which was a pamphlet that was widely available in World War II. This particular excerpt discusses the Philippines, which before World War II was a U.S. territory. "The Philippines in Transition"…
These images are from the U.S. booklet "The Jap Soldier." This book takes a very negative approach on the Japanese and provides some insight into how Americans viewed the Japanese during World War II. The book begins with pictures of Japanese…
These are stamps collected from the Philippines during the Japanese occupation during World War II and provide some insight into Japan's intentions for the Philippines. These stamps are a part of a larger stamp collection of World War II stamps,…
This map, titled: "New Map of Great Tokyo and Yokohama" highlights the U.S.A.A.F's possible aerial bombardment targets in Tokyo during World War II.
These are some monetary notes that were circulated during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines during World War II. Filipinos dubbed this money "mickey mouse money" which implies that it was fake.
Women gathered together for the Sorosis Literary Society, 1900.
Aggiettes posing for a photo, 1957.
The Periwig Club, a theater group, posed for a photo, 1919.
Women gathered for a SPURS meeting, 1940s.
Young women being inducted into the ROTC Auxiliary, the Sponsor Corps.
Sponsor Corps posing with their rifles on the Quad, 1950s.
Angel Flight members marching in a parade on Main Street in Logan.
Angel Flight group posing on the steps of the Student Union Building.
May Swenson.
Nominees for Woman of the Year as part of the Robins Awards: sitting, Peggy Menlove and Chris Rigby; standing, Karen Allen, Marty Hibbard and Joan Rasmuson.
Michelle Henrie, first female student body president.
Adonna Watkins sitting at a piano.
Agricultural College of Utah Women's Basketball Team, 1909
This is a photograph was taken by an unknown photographer who accompanied Zane Grey on his April 1922 trip to Rainbow Bridge. In the image, Zane Grey stands facing Rainbow Bridge.
This photograph was taken by an unknown photographer who accompanied Zane Grey on his April 1922 Rainbow Bridge trip. In this image, Zane Grey sits facing Rainbow Bridge with his hat on.
This photograph was most likely taken by Zane Grey while he was at a ranch near Flagstaff Arizona. This image shows a fence post, canal and a distant snow-capped mountain.
This photograph was taken by an unknown photographer who accompanied Zane Grey on his April 1922 Rainbow Bridge trip. In the image, Grey sits on his horse "White Stockings" at the ranch near Flagstaff, Arizona.
Zane Grey likely took this photograph at the ranch near Flagstaff, Arizona. Members of Zane Grey's 1922 Rainbow Bridge party pack supplies on a chuckwagon.
This photograph was taken by an unknown photographer who accompanied Zane Grey on his April 1922 Rainbow Bridge trip. In this image at the ranch near Flagstaff, Zane Grey smiles at Louise Anderson, his current mistress, who is on a horse.
This photograph was likely taken by Zane Grey at the ranch near Flagstaff, Arizona in April of 1922. This photograph features the chuckwagon and some of the members of the 1922 Rainbow Bridge party.
This photograph was likely taken by Zane Grey near Sunset Crater, Arizona in April 1922. In this image, five people are facing Sunset Crater. The man the second to the right has a camera in his hand and is likely the other photographer for the…
This photograph was taken by an unknown photographer near "Sunset Peak" (also known as Sunset Crater) in April 1922. Zane Grey points to Sunset Peak with Louise Anderson, Grey's current mistress, standing next to him.
This photograph was taken by an unknown photographer near "Sunset Peak" (also known as Sunset Crater) in April 1922. Zane Grey stands next to Louise Anderson by a tree.
This photograph was taken by an unknown photographer near "Sunset Peak" (also known as Sunset Crater) in April 1922. Zane Grey sits on a rock facing Sunset Crater.
This photograph was taken near "Sunset Peak" (also known as Sunset Crater). This photograph shows the automobiles that the party took to drive to Sunset Crater.
This photograph was most likely taken by Zane Grey between Flagstaff and Tuba City in April 1922. A man waves at the camera (possibly George Takahashi, the parties chef) as he drives the chuck wagons.
This photograph was most likely taken by Zane Grey in an area he describes as "Bonita Park" in April 1922. The
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