
DNO-0128_B & B Clothes Shop ad - The_Ogden_Standard_Examiner_Thu__Oct_29__1964_.png
Advertisement in newspaper of B & B Clothes Shop, business of brothers William and Joseph Benowitz at 2473 Washington Avenue, The Ogden Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah)· Thu, Oct 29, 1964.
DNO-0128_B & B Clothes Shop ad - The_Ogden_Standard_Examiner_Thu__Nov_22__1951_.png
Advertisement in newspaper of B & B Clothes Shop, business of brothers William and Joseph Benowitz at 2473 Washington Avenue, The Ogden Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah)· Thu, Nov 22, 1951.
DNO-0128_B & B Clothes Shop ad - The_Ogden_Standard_Examiner_Sun__Dec_9__1945_.png
Advertisement in newspaper of B & B Clothes Shop, business of brothers William and Joseph Benowitz at 2473 Washington Avenue, The Ogden Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah)· Sun, Dec 9, 1945.
DNO-0128_Western Junk Co. ad, Joseph Kraines business - The_Ogden_Standard_Examiner_Sun__Dec_9__1945_ .png
Advertisement in newspaper of Joseph Kraines' business, Western Jun Co., The Ogden Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah)· Sun, Dec 9, 1945.
DNO-0128_image of Terri and Gordon Kaufman in front row - The_Ogden_Standard_Examiner_Sun__Dec_31__1961_.png
Image of Terri and Gordon Kaufman, pictured in front row, with three other persons, all committee members of the Patio Springs Country Club, going over a list of tasks for the New Years eve festivities the country club is hosting, The Ogden…
DNO-0128_Image of Gordon Kaufman - The_Ogden_Standard_Examiner_Sun__Dec_12__1971_.png
Image of Gordon Kaufman in an advertisement for the opening of Schubach Jewelers in Ogden, Utah, The Ogden Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah)· Sun, Dec 12, 1971.
DNO-0125_postcard image of Knights of Pythias Hall, undated - Weber State Archives.jpg
Postcard image of Knights of Pythias Hall, 1950s. Originally located at 2353 Grant Avenue, early members of Congregation Brith Sholem held religious services in Knights of Pythias.
DNO-0126_Old Cemetery Dome at Aultorest Memorial Park, before 1996.jpg
Image of old cemetery dome located at Aultorest Memorial Park in the Jewish section, 1980s.
DNO-0128_Louis Rubin image - The_Ogden_Standard_Examiner_Sun__Sep_19__1937_ .png
Image of Louis Rubin with hammer and shoe, The Ogden Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah)· Sun, Sep 19, 1937.
DNO-0124_side view of synagogue May 2021.jpg
Side exterior view of Congregation Brith Sholem with view of two stained-glass windows, May 2021.
DNO-0125_Lillian Rubin and friends, undated - Weber State.jpg
Lillian Rubin (right) and two unidentified persons, undated.
DNO-0124_right front view of synagogue May 2021.jpg
Exterior view of Congregation Brith Sholem, May 2021.
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Newspaper article discussing the Jewish obversance of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, with services held at the Knights of Pythias Hall by Rabbi S. Alkow, Salt Lake Tribune, September 17 1917.
DNO-0126_R&O business advertisement Polk directory 1906.jpg
Rosenbluth & Oppman advertisement in the 1906 Weber County Polk Directory.
DNO-0128_R&O advertisement - Daily_Utah_State_Journal_Thu__Jan_3__1907_.png
Rosenbluth & Oppman advertisement in the Daily Utah State Journal (Ogden, Utah), Thu, Jan 3, 1907.
DNO-0128_R&O ad - The_Ogden_Standard_Sat__Dec_19__1903_ .png
Rosenbluth & Oppman advertisement in The Ogden Standard (Ogden, Utah)· Sat, Dec 19, 1903.
DNO-0124_Brith Sholem plaque of National Register of Historic Places - May 2021.jpg
Plaque located at the entrance of the syangogue that indicates Congregation Brith Sholem is registered as a National Historic Place in Ogden, Utah since June 27, 1985.
DNO-0124_pathway from Brith Sholem to the House - May 2021.jpg
Pathway from the synagogue to "the house" on Grant Avenue, May 2021. The bricks are scattered with names that
DNO-0126_Oppman and Rosenbluth business advertisement from Polk Directory - 1913.jpg
Rosenbluth & Oppman advertisement in the 1913 Weber County Polk Directory.
DNO-0128_Oppman and Jewish humor - The_Ogden_Standard_Examiner_Mon__Jul_5__1926_.png
Newspaper article about an encounter between Ben Oppman and old-time New Englander with a bit of Jewish humor, The Ogden Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah)· Mon, Jul 5, 1926.
DNO-0053_Ogden_Utah_Aerial_View_1959 - USHS.jpg
Aerial image of Ogden Utah with view of Wasatch Mountains, February 1959.
DNO-0125_Ogden Junk House advertisement in Polk Directory in 1921.jpg
Ogden Junk House advertisement in Polk Directory in 1921
DNO-0124_Northwest corner of 25th and Lincoln, facing previous building of B&B Clothing, May 2021.jpg
Northwest corner of 25th and Lincoln, facing previous building of B&B Clothing, May 2021.
DNO-0124_Menorah damaged by the fire in Brith Sholem - May 2021.jpg
Cabinet inside the synagogue with prominent view of the menorah burned in the fire
DNO-0111_Looking East on 25th Street 1890s - OUS.jpg
Looking East on 25th Street 1890s.
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Newspaper article about the cornerstone event for Congregation Brith Sholem, which details the key speakers and members of the synagogue's committee, August 22, 1921.
DNO-0124_Kuhn Mausoleum at Aultorest Memorial Park - May 2021.jpg
Kuhn Masoleum at Aultorest Memorial Park, May 2021.
View of Ogden Union Station railroad yard, 1887.
DNO-0125_Judith Kaufman in front of Congregation Brith Sholem, 1980s - Weber State Archives.jpg
Terri Kaufman standing in front of the synagogue entrance in early 1980s. Terri was the first woman elected President of Congregation Brith Sholem from 1984 to 1986, possibly the date range that the image was taken.
DNO-0124_inside synagogue facing northwest and two stained-glass windows - May 2021.jpg
Interior view in synagogue facing northwest and two stained-glass windows, May 2021.
DNO-0124_Joseph Kraines gravesite at Aultorest Memorial Park - May 2021.jpg
Gravesite of Joseph Kraines at Aultorest Memorial Park,
DNO-0127_Joseph and William Benowitz with family - Eileen Stone book.jpg
Image of brothers Joseph and William Benowitz from Eileen Hallet Stone's book, A Homeland in the West: Utah Jews Remember, taken in early 1900s.
DNO-0126_image of Elizabeth Kraines, daughter of Joseph Kraines, in 1926 The Acorn yearbook - member of BS - Weber State Archives.jpg
Elizabeth Kraines yearbook photo in The Acorn, 1926 Weber State College. Elizabeth was the daughter of Joseph Kraines.
DNO-0128_David Kreines business 1913 polk directory - Weber State.png
Listing of David Kreine's business as a pawnbroker from the Weber County Polk Directory in 1913.
DNO-0125_Image of the scroll of the torah, written in Hebrew on parchment paper, October 2 1999..pdf
Image of the scroll of the torah, written in Hebrew on parchment paper, October 2, 1999.
DNO-0125_image of torahs in Ark in synagogue, October 02 1999.pdf
Image of Torahs standing in the Holy Ark located in the synagogue, 2010.
DNO-0125_fourth image of High Holy Holiday Service at synagogue in early 1980s.pdf
Fourth image of High Holy Holiday Service at synagogue in early 1980s.
DNO-0125_third image of High Holy Holiday Service at synagogue in early 1980s.pdf
Third image of High Holy Holiday Service at synagogue in early 1980s.
DNO-0125_second image of High Holy Holiday Service at synagogue in early 1980s.pdf
second image of High Holy Holiday Service at synagogue in early 1980s.
DNO-0125_High Holy Holiday Service at synagogue in early 1980s.pdf
High Holy Holiday Service at synagogue in early 1980s.
DNO-0126_image of Congregation Brith Sholem, undated.pdf
front view of Congregation Brith Sholem, undated.
Kuhn (1).jpg
Building of Kuhn & Bros. business in 1880s
DNO-0111_Junction yard in Ogden, Utah, August 22, 1974.jpg
The railroad yard in Ogden, Utah, located just South of the Union Station, August 22, 1974.
DNO-0125_Judi Amsel and Jeff Schneider carrying torahs, celebrating the holiday Simchat Torahs, October 02 1999.pdf
Judi Amsel and Jeff Schneider carrying Torahs, celebrating the holiday Simchat Torahs, October 02 1999. The other persons in the image are Trevor Carlson, Chris Tice, Josh Salita, and Scott Berman.
DNO-0128_Synagogue_May_be_Built_in_Ogden - Ogden_Daily_Standard_1913_10_13.pdf
Newspaper article discussing the meeting of 35 Jewish members in Ogden to plan building a synagogue in Ogden, Utah, Ogden_Daily_Standard_1913_10_13.
DNO-0128_Image of Manya Greenband - The_Ogden_Standard_Examiner_Sun__Jan_11__1925_.png
Newspaper image of Manya Greenband in celebration of her and Jacob Greenband's 25th wedding anniversary, The Ogden Standard Examiner_Sun__Jan_11__1925.
DNO-0126_Jacob Greenband's business advertisement in Polk Directory 1922.jpg
Business advertisement of Jacob Greenband's business on Wall Avenue in the 1922 Weber County Polk Directory.
DNO-0124_interior of synagogue facing front, May 2021.jpg
Interior view of Congregation Brith Sholem, facing the front, May 2021. The Ark, bimah, plaque of the ten commandments in Hebrew, a menorah, the Jewish flag, and the American flag are all visible.
DNO-0111_Inside of Union Station, mid 20th cen - OUS.jpg
Interior view of Ogden Union Station during the mid 20th century.
DNO-0124_Gravesite of Jacob and Manya Greenband, May 2021.jpg
Gravesite of Jacob and Manya Greenband at Aultorest Memorial Park, May 2021.
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